Why should I hire a coach?

Coaching, mentor-ship, guidance; whatever you want to call it, a structured, thought out plan designed to achieve your goals from an expert in the subject is an invaluable resource that will undoubtedly raise you above your competition.


Why the heck should you care about hiring a coach?


Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, a good coach is an accountability system. Let’s face it, holding yourself accountable is one of the hardest things for most people to do well over a long period of time. It’s one of the biggest reasons most people’s fitness journeys experience setbacks or the reason they never achieve their goals altogether.

At ELEV8, it’s one of the reasons why we have weekly check-ins with our clients as well as 24/7 communication lines.

For athletes, it’s the difference between a scholarship and not playing, or getting that pro contract or not.

A good coach provides a structure in which systemic progress can be made. Rather than guessing, doing workouts you see on Instagram, or throwing your own plan together, you can rest assured that a good coach will provide you the right path. Your goal is the destination, a coach is the GPS.

Additionally, there is a human connection involved. People want to better themselves, and that’s why they look into coaching in the first place. However, what often gets overlooked is the amount of trust, camaraderie and buy-in hiring a coach can bring. I often tell my clients that a coaching relationship is a special one, many of them see me more times per week than their friends and maybe even their families.

This creates a common goal to work towards as a team, which is a powerful tool in your success toolbox. Seeing your coach and the other athletes 3-4 times per week creates an environment where your success is everyone’s success, and people come in excited to train and see their friends.

Coaching provides a level of guidance that clients can take comfort in as well. An outside perspective is crucial if you want to maximize your time and performance in the gym.

For instance, if you think you need to work on the first pull to get the bar to a better position in the second pull, but the coach sees the issue is instead something going awry in the second pull, you can work on your weaknesses rather than wasting time fixing issues that aren’t really there.

This brings us to a final point, and one of the reasons most people think to hire a coach in the first place: knowledge and expertise.

Outside of all of the human qualities a coach can bring, like buy-in and accountability, the X’s and O’s are critical as well. Proper programming and individualized exercise selection can make or break an athlete. Knowing when to push and when to pull back, and squeaking out that last 1-2% of potential is the hallmark of a good coach. Not only does this help to maximize your performance, but it helps to mitigate the risk on injury on the field.

Everyone wants to be stronger, faster and healthier, and a good coach is a surefire way to get you to those goals!

Don’t go at it alone. Check out our coaching options and ELEV8 your game!


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