The ELEV8 Story


Hey! I’m Chris.

My entire life has revolved around athletics and sports. In high school, I was an All-American in lacrosse and 3 time letter winner. I took the collegiate athletics route, figuring I would find what I wanted to do with my life while I was chasing the thing that had always mattered most to me - playing lacrosse at a high level.

Injuries had other plans, and pretty soon I didn’t have a clue what I wanted to do. And that’s when I found weightlifting, and the barbell. Since then, my professional life has revolved around becoming the best strength coach I can be, helping others achieve those goals I set for myself back in high school. To that end, I am a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), USA weightlifting level 2 coach, NASM certified personal trainer, and working towards my Master’s in Kinesiology.

I’ve become obsessed with making athletes stronger, faster, moving better and healthier. If it’s going to help you “Elev8” your game, I’ve been seeking it out, studying it and implementing it with countless athletes. Let me help you take your game to the next level!